Dear Friends of the GEC,
As I begin this second term as Board President, it is with a sense of excitement that better days are ahead. COVID is well behind us, we are rebuilding the direct care staff, enrolling new participants, improving our programs, refurbishing our residences and planning our future sites. In fact, we just opened a new day habilitation center on Avenue N, are completing the addition of fire sprinklers to four residences, and just received a HUD grant for two million dollars to refurbish the 3rd Avenue buildings.
But a lot remains to be done, the long overdue work on the 68th Street site has not been finally approved and the buildout will be long and complicated. And as is the case in most government funding, there is either a “copay” required of us or we must upfront the money to be reimbursed when the work is completed. All of this requires exact financial controls and a lot of Board time.
From a program perspective, hiring and training dedicated, caring creative direct care staff, developing meaningful activities either internally or through partnerships or community-based job sites are ongoing and difficult tasks. A bright spot to note here, the newly opened Bay Ridge Center, nearby on Bay Ridge Ave, will host a number of our people on a daily basis.
Be assured that your support is essential to the success of these efforts. Be assured that the entire Board is appreciative of your support and the betterment of the lives of the people we serve.
We hope you find this website helpful and informative and as always, we are open to your feedback.
Best personal regards,
Frank J. Sena PhD
President, Board of Directors
The Guild for Exceptional Children
Frank Sena, Ph.D., President
Marion Cleaver, 1st Vice President
Rosina Linda Rubino, 2nd Vice President
Samantha Scire, Recording Secretary
Geraldine Cassone, Corresponding Secretary
Anthony Cetta, Treasurer
Celeste Sena, Assistant Treasurer
Hon. Matthew D’Emic, Director Emeritus
Harriet Rosenberg, Director Emeritus
Stephen Chiano, Esq., Parliamentarian
Toni Colarusso
Mary Dory
Alan Dubrow
Peter Ferraiuolo, Esq.
Angelo Giordano, Esq.
Elena Gonzalez
Arlene Keating
Stephen Majewicz, Ph.D.
Gloria Morello
Stanley Ramsdal
Arlene Rutuelo
Eleanor Schiano
Andrew Sichenzie, Esq