New GEC Board of Directors is Installed

New GEC Board of Directors is Installed

At the June 20th GEC Membership meeting, Elaine DeBerardine, Esq. presided over the installation of the 2024 GEC Board of Directors. Each member committed to serving for two years and promised to uphold the constitution and by-laws of the GEC and to do all in their power to promote the educational, vocational and spiritual guidance of those supported by GEC. The meeting was held at the Knights of Columbus on 13th Avenue and 86th Street and was both in person and hybrid for those members unable to attend in person. A light supper was provided.

Both the outgoing President, Mr. Anthony Cetta and the incoming President, Mr. Frank Sena made remarks to the membership which included both recognizing the importance of continuity of service of those Board Members who continue to serve and appreciating the insights of new members. Mr. Sena expressed appreciation to all GEC members for their commitment to GEC’s mission and wished everyone a relaxing summer.

Special thanks to the 2024 Nominating Committee members: Gerri Cassone, Fran Fanto and Janine Marino.

GEC's 2024 Board of Directors


Frank Sena, Ph.D., President

Marion Cleaver, 1st Vice President

Rosina Linda Rubino, 2nd Vice President

Samantha Scire, Recording Secretary

Geraldine Cassone, Corresponding Secretary

Anthony Cetta, Treasurer

Celeste Sena, Assistant Treasurer

Hon. Matthew D’Emic, Director Emeritus

Harriet Rosenberg, Director Emeritus

Stephen Chiano, Esq., Parliamentarian

Board Members

Toni Colarusso

Mary Dory

Alan Dubrow

Peter Ferraiuolo, Esq.

Angelo Giordano, Esq.

Elena Gonzalez

Arlene Keating

Stephen Majewicz, Ph.D.

Gloria Morello

Stanley Ramsdal

Arlene Rutuelo

Eleanor Schiano

Andrew Sichenzie, Esq